Our Toolkit
Comprehensive functional lab testing is our go-to “deep dive,” testing that helps us learn more about your unique and current state of health through hormone levels, vitamins/nutrients, food sensitivities, the detox system, gut health/balance, and cellular/mitochondrial health. A key step in our decision-making is interpretation of data in a personalized manner, in the context of how you feel.
Nutritional Intravenous Therapies work rapidly, giving our bodies direct and immediate absorption of targeted ingredients, and provide over 10x the nutrients given in a daily oral supplement. Nutrients go directly to your cells, giving them the nutrition they need, while bypassing the digestive tract and allowing your body to heal. What this means is that you start feeling better much sooner, helping in myriad, effective ways: your immune system can reboot, your digestive tract can repair, your cells can start functioning better, and most importantly, your energy can start improving. Commonly used nutritional IVs include:
(calcium, magnesium, B-complex & vitamin C)GLUTATHIONE
NAD (nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide)
Ozone is a super-powered type of oxygen, linking together 3 oxygen atoms. Medical oxygen (O2) gas is used to make ozone (O3), and it is this extra oxygen molecule that does all the work: entering the bloodstream to destroy viruses, yeast, mold, fungus, bacteria, spirochetes and parasites, as well as chelate toxic materials and free radicals, both disinfecting and fostering a healthier biome in the body. Oxygen delivery to tissues improves, as does immune cell function…over time boosting health from the cellular level up to the system/body level.
MAH - Major Autohemotherapy (blood ozone/saline IV)
This ozone treatment relies on gravity to collect blood in an IV bag before reintroducing it back into the body after mixing with ozone. Typically 200 cc of blood is re-infused with approximately 8,000 mcg of ozone.
10-Pass high-dose Ozone IV
Delivering 15-20xs the amount of ozone, this therapy uses a highly specialized ozone generator, and within this hyperbaric pressurized system blood is removed and then reinfused, allowing for more blood to be exposed to ozone. 2,000 cc of blood is enhanced with approximately 140,000 mcg of ozone. Each time ozonated blood is returned to your body it constitutes ‘one pass.’ During a treatment of 1 - 2 hours this process may be repeated up to 10xs, hence the name ‘10-pass ozone therapy.’
A powerhouse treatment, ozone IV therapies are highly effective at improving:
Influenza and pneumonia
Chronic inflammation/pain
Long-haul symptoms from a past infection
Autoimmune disease (Lyme, Covid, EBV, RSV, HSV, HIV/AIDS)
Chronic fatigue
Cancer treatment side-effects
Rheumatoid arthritis
Crohn’s disease
Macular degeneration
Multiple sclerosis
Hypertension, Cardiovascular, Circulatory disorders
Lipid disorders
Mold/mycotoxin illness (particularly with wounds related to the disease)
Chemical sensitivity
INJECTIONS: PROLOZONEInjecting ozone stimulates cellular activity and healing in joints and tissues. It relieves muscle pain and regenerates connective tissue while increasing the range of motion, stability, and strength of your joints - without side effects or surgery.
Excellent for pain due to:
Chronic neck/back pain
Degenerative and arthritic hips/knees
Rotator cuff injuries
Herniated discs
TMJ syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Heel spurs, plantar fasciitis
Tennis elbow
Knee injuries
Tendonitis, torn tendons
Sports injuries
Pelvic pain
Beneficial uses include insufflation in the ears and/or sinuses for infection, tinnitus and/or seasonal allergies. Vaginal insufflation also effectively treats pelvic pain and yeast, herpes, and other bacterial/viral infections. Home kits can also be purchased for rectal insufflation, useful for ongoing home treatment of multiple issues including: gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn’s, IBS, diverticulitis) and chronic infections (Lyme, HIV, Mycoplasma, Hepatitis B/C, Epstein-Barr).
Chelation therapy is an intravenous treatment using a solution of minerals, vitamins, and a special amino acid, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a chelating agent. EDTA is injected into the bloodstream to bind/remove toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and nickel. Heavy metals can build up in our bodies over time from myriad environmental sources. In conjunction with lab testing to target high-risk metals and track changing levels, this therapy helps remove toxins effectively from the body.
Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) is an effective way to optimize hormone levels to enhance your well-being, impacting and improving multiple facets of aging.
Signs of hormone imbalance can show up in both men and women as:
Poor sleep quality
Chronic fatigue/exhaustion
Anxiety/irritability/mood swings
Weight gain (often at waist, despite exercise)
Brain fog
Loss of libido
Decreased bone density
Painful intercourse
Loss of muscle mass
Decreased sexual function
High cholesterol
Hot flushes/night sweats
Elevated blood sugars
Following lab testing to evaluate hormone levels, an in-office procedure is done by one of our physicians who are Biote Certified. Individually compounded, bioidentical hormones are created ahead of the visit, in the form of small capsules. These pellets, approximately the size of a grain of rice, are inserted subcutaneously (under the skin of the gluteal/upper buttock region,) then dissolving and absorbing into the body in a steady, consistent manner.
Most individuals feel a significant improvement within 2 - 4 weeks after a pellet insertion; many report feeling full health benefits after the second insertion. Pellet therapy lasts up to 3 - 6 months (depending on gender), at which time another round of pellets is inserted.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, helps increase your body’s oxygen supply and leads to faster healing and less pain. During an HBOT session, you are in a highly pressurized environment, allowing for greater oxygen absorption in the body and hyper-oxygenation of the blood plasma in ways other treatments cannot. As your blood carries this oxygen throughout your body, it helps detoxify and fight bacteria, promotes collagen formation/repair, regenerate nerve fibers, and stimulate the release of growth factors and stem cells for healing and boosting immunity. For many conditions, we’ll add supplemental oxygen, thus driving tissue oxygenation even higher.
HBOT has been beneficial at improving acute and chronic issues:
Athletic performance/recovery
Diabetic insulin/glucose balance
Concussions/head trauma
Diabetic wound healing
Athletic injuries
Brain fog, fatigue
Surgical recovery
Skin grafts
Radiation damage
Autistic spectrum/ Neurodivergence
Skin complexion rejuvenation
Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, CRPS, chronic pain
Altitude sickness
Long-haul symptoms from a past infection (Lyme, Covid, etc)
Decompression sickness (“the bends”)
Mold toxicity
Bell’s Palsy
Infertility from low sperm count
What can I expect from my 1st visit?
Think ahead how you would best spend time in the HBOT chamber, and bring in reading material, audiobooks/podcasts, music or guided meditations, and/or plan to nap! Wear loose, comfortable cotton clothing, have a snack and empty your bladder immediately before your session. Avoid caffeine and carbonated beverages (including kombucha) for several hours before your session.
Chewing gum is helpful to alleviate ear pressure at the beginning and end of your session, as you might do in an airplane with take-off and landings. Once you’ve reached the pressure for your session, you should feel normal and can enjoy the relaxed time however you like. You will have immediate support from a technician outside the chamber, with a bell alert and walkie-talkie you can activate anytime.
Some patients feel the immediate benefits of HBOT, while others may feel a bit light headed or “out of it” after their first HBOT dive; this is totally normal and we advise that everyone takes approximately 15 minutes to relax in any one of our chairs in the clinic. This allows your body time to readjust to the lower levels of oxygen in the air around you outside of the chamber. Patients report feeling very energized once they have readjusted and tend to sleep better that first night.
How many hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions do I need?
The number of HBOT sessions you need depends on your reason for getting the treatment. Each session lasts for around 60 minutes. Some can get one or two sessions in a day, and the frequency of sessions depends on the health issues being addressed. For those with anxiety, a trial mini-session can be used initially to address concerns about claustrophobia.
Potential schedules include:
1-5 sessions: just a few HBOT sessions can lower inflammation and facilitate more effective tissue repair.
5-10 sessions: typically recommended for soft tissue damage and pain associated with acute musculoskeletal injuries.
10-20 sessions: for serious acute injuries as well as chronic or overuse injuries, and anti-aging.
20-40 sessions: major tissue damage, chronic illnesses, and brain conditions.
Who should not consider HBOT?
Someone with a history of pneumothorax, or an inability to clear their ear pressure would not be a candidate for HBOT. A detailed intake is done to ensure the safety and appropriateness for anyone seeking HBOT.